If you have never used air duct cleaning services in Texas, you might not know what to expect. While the technician will handle everything involved in cleaning your ductwork, there are a few things you can do to prepare. Taking these key steps can ensure the process goes smoothly for both the technician and yourself.
Note Areas of Concern
Before you schedule air duct cleaning, make a visual inspection of your home. Write down any problems that you notice, such as duct damage or rattling sounds coming from your ducts. While your air duct cleaners will take care of all of your ducts, they will pay special attention to problem areas.
Good communication is essential for experiencing the full range of professional air duct cleaning benefits. In addition to pointing out areas of concern, it can help to make a list of questions. Taking an interest in duct care can help you protect this vital system between cleaning appointments.
Clear Away the Clutter
Prior to air duct cleaning, take some time to physically prepare your home. Remove stacks of papers, piles of clothes, and other clutter that’s blocking your vents and registers. This will give the technician easier access to your ductwork.
In addition, move clutter away from your furnace and air conditioner. Some types of clutter can increase fire risks or inhibit HVAC efficiency. After a technician cleans your dirty ducts, you might want to use your HVAC system right away. Removing clutter will allow you to do so without delay.
Know How You’ll Manage Children and Pets
The technician should be able to provide air duct cleaning without distractions. You can help by planning to board your pets or leave them with friends. Even if your pets are friendly, the technician might have an allergy.
Cleaning your ductwork can boost indoor air quality, but it requires the use of equipment and cleaning agents. This isn’t dangerous for children, but they may accidentally injure themselves while the process is happening. For this reason, many HVAC customers prefer to send their kids to a friend’s house or make similar arrangements.
Decide Whether You’ll Stay or Leave
When cleaning air ducts, a technician will need access to areas throughout your home. While you should always follow tips to stay safe around unfamiliar technicians, you still might feel wary about the situation.
You don’t have to stay for the appointment, in this case. The technician can work without your presence. Make sure you provide instructions for locking your home after the technician finishes their work.
Alternatively, smart locks make this process easier. You can give the technician authorization to your home without being present. After the technician leaves, you can use your phone app to remove their entry permissions.
In any scenario, choosing a trusted local company can give you the peace of mind that your home is in good hands.
Start the Season With Clean Ducts
Taylormade Heat and Air provides duct cleaning and a full range of HVAC services in Van Alstyne, YX. We use state-of-the-art equipment to eliminate the contaminants hiding in your ducts so that your family can enjoy healthier air in every season. Contact us to schedule service today.